Ray and I have come to the conclusion that what foreigners seem to think is the British ability to hold their heads high in times of strife, i.e. the British "stiff upper lip" is really just apathy. When it rains, only about half the folks have umbrellas or raincoats or even hats… The other half act as if it isn’t raining. They don’t cover their head with a newspaper. They don’t wipe the rain off their face. They don’t seem to enjoy the rain falling on them, but at the same time, they don’t seem to be upset that it is raining on them. There is just absolute apathy that it is raining and that they are soaked to the bone. Now, that doesn’t hold true for everyone. Just some folks.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
I am working from home today because I left the house in such a rush this morning that I grabbed the wrong laptop. I have two because one is the old one, one is the new one and I need to load the new one with an OS, transfer my crap over and give back the old one… Of course, I grabbed the new one, with nothing on it. I got all the way into work, sat down and saw that I couldn't put the laptop in the dock before I realized what I'd done. By that point, I'd decided that it would be a wasted day if I came home, got the laptop then turned right around and went back into
Anyway… It occurred to me to wonder, as I was watching the much-celebrated and over-promoted Simpson's 400th episode on Sky One this past Sunday, are a good part of the jokes lost on the folks here since they don't have Fox or Fox News? Wow! Simpsons has been on since I was in 6th or 7th grade. That is pretty amazing.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Since I seem to have plenty time while waiting for my file to compress so I can upload it to shared storage for a co-worker so that I can finally go home…. Then again, if the laptop doesn’t stop acting up, I may not post anything.
We went to
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Sorry for the lack of updates… I was back in the States, but I lost my laptop charger in the airport on the way over.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Are all cats this stupid? I am sitting downstairs, in the recliner reading my book when I hear this yowl, approaching the ground – a cat falling. It sounds like Ed. Ray and I jump up and start looking for the cat, but all we find is an open window upstairs. After looking around outside for several minutes, we discover that he is under a car, hiding and hissing at anyone who dares approach him. Yeah. He jumped out of the second story window and, apparently, landed on his face. It appears that nothing is broken, but he definitely either knocked a tooth out, or just broke it because he has blood in his mouth. I shouldn’t completely blame him, though, because windows in this country don’t have screens. And they open stupidly. The windows here swing out so that the window is opened in a vertical line, rather than sliding up and down, the way ours do back home: