Friday, December 26, 2008

So, we caught up on Torchwood season 2. You know, science fiction is one thing. I think I've complained about this before, and now I remember why I didn't watch it while it was on... Jeez. It doesn't take a lot for accuracy. Or just believability. Come on!. Dr Who is for kids, so the details of how a nuclear power plant works isn't really relevant. But Torchwood is for adults. Look - You don't have to be detailed. If you don't have perfectly accurate, it can be black box. But don't just make random crap up for the sake of drama. People cannot be that stupid! It's not possible for an adult to believe the crap they made up. It's ALMOST as bad as “Up and to the left”. GAHHHH! I guess it's just a question of how much disbelief you expect me to suspend...


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