Friday, August 29, 2008

The London Lite has a section where people text in their messages and they may or may not get printed. Anyway, for some reason, I couldn't stop laughing over commentary about pidgins getting on the tube. One earlier in the week said "Got on the tube. Pigeon on seat. No one blinked an eye." For a while, there were texts from a bunch of folks about this pigeon that would get on the tube every day at around the same time, then get off at the next stop. People never think twice about these vermin. I wonder how they would react to the very large rat I saw the other day? It seems to be normal to see rodents at rail stations, and this one was as big as Ed! (Ok – That's an exaggeration… But, it WAS as big as squirrel, though the tail was longer, proportionately than a squirrel's tail. It was longer than the rat itself, and massively thick. If I ignore the face, it made me think more of a possum with black fur than a rat. Could you imagine getting on the tube and finding one of those sitting on the seats?

So, for my fellow Americans: There are 3 big free papers in London, and while I am including the links for the online version, they don't match the printed version. They are the Metro in the morning, and the London Paper and London Lite in the evening. (There is also one called City AM, but as it is financial and business news, no one seems to read it.) The Metro is the least reliable. About once a week they print something that is such utter bullshit, you will not find it anywhere else, even their website. For example, one of my more naïve and less intelligent co-workers saw a story about Americans buying Vietnamese babies. (Huh?) So I asked him to explain – he of course couldn't, so he starts looking for the story. Eventually, he goes, "But I read it in the Metro last week! They printed it, so there had to be something to it!!" I have concerns that this person may be an accurate representative of his country. If so… This is a sad, sad country. (Ray says I am being an intellectual elitist, though.)


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