Sunday, July 22, 2007

We picked up our Suburu Legacy with a 2.5 on Friday afternoon. It's nice – all leather, 6 disc changer and it goes up hills when we want it to. Ray is lamenting that he is finding a 10 year old Suburu nice. While I don't necessarily agree with him, sometimes it is a slap in the face to realize just how far down our standard of living has fallen.

Of course, we got Book 7 when it came out. No, I didn't go to the store at midnight, we had it delivered from Amazon. I really enjoyed it, though the first half felt like delaying tactics for the big stuff at the end. It was a satisfying end. Some of it, I'd guessed already. Some, like Snape's motivation, was a surprise.

It's a pretty nice day here, so Ray and I are going to go for a ride shortly. We are also trying desperately to find a pool so he can get swimming again. He does kind of have a tri coming up in 2 weeks and he hasn't swam since he got here.

To go off on something completely unrelated… I was thinking of a conversation a couple of weeks back. Someone asked if I had done something she didn't approve of. I had not, and I said I had not. She replied, "I think you are fibbing." I didn't actually say what I wanted to at the time, because I was too pissed off. I don't think she actually understood how much of an insult that statement was, and I don't think I could have told her without being very cruel. So, I will say it now: I don't actually care what people think. I will not lie to anyone just because I think they will disapprove of something I have done. I will not lie to anyone to make myself sound better. I don't care what you think. If I don't want to answer, I just won't. I will not lie about it. I am aware that most people think a "white lie" is perfectly acceptable. Or that "fibbing" or "bending the truth" is okay as well. I don't care about your moral justification for it. I know that in your world view, it is perfectly acceptable, and I am not going to attempt to persuade you otherwise. My point is this: I don't care what you think, ergo I will not lie.


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