So, good things, bad things...
Good thing:
On Sunday, Marcee and Ray went to ride the end of stage 1, first thing in the morning, before everything got shut down. Ray comes back to the room and tells me, "We rode with Ralph or maybe it was Rolf? Sorenson or Sorensen or something like that. He's ridden in the Tour before!" My eyes go wide at this... "You guys rode with THE Rolf Sørensen?!?" And he wants to know how I know who he is... I recognized the name because in 2005, Lance refused to year the yellow jersey because Zabriskie had only lost it in a crash, and the point was made over and over that in 1991, Greg Lemond did the exact same thing for Sørensen. He signed a hat for Marcee:

Anyway, the bad…
We had to board the dogs while we were gone. Ray read some reviews, etc, and decided to try a place called Windmill Farms, not far from where we live, so we dropped them off on Friday afternoon. We got a call on Sunday morning that Dingo had “had a go at Emma”, and Emma was limping and had a couple of bites, but that she wasn’t seriously injured. We might want to make an appointment with the vet when we got back, but she was okay.
We picked up the dogs on Monday afternoon when we got home, and Emma was torn up and absolutely covered in bites, on back and front legs, her nose, her eye, her ear, etc, and the front paw was infected. I took her to the vet, and they had to have me bring her back this morning (Tuesday) so that they could sedate her and take x-rays because they suspected the foot might be broken. Well, it is. It is broken in two places and she has a dozen bites, one of which was far too infected to have been the day-old wound that they said. I am highly doubtful that Dingo could have done this to Emma. I strongly suspect that it had to be another dog. Even if it had been Dingo, it would had have had to happen as soon as she was dropped off on Saturday afternoon considering the severity of infection.
We have no proof of this, though. I think that we should call this damn place and demand that they pay for the vet bills. Ray doesn’t because he feels 1) we have no evidence that it wasn’t Dingo and 2) we have no evidence that Emma was treated so badly or her wounds ignored, especially since they called us. If nothing else, I would like to find out something about the licensing agency for kennels and complain to them… The jerks let my dog get hurt.
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