Wednesday, April 04, 2007

So, Ray and I went to see Kevin Smith last night, in London, at the Prince Charles. It was really great to see! He talked for 3 and a half hours about a lot of random stuff and it was really cool. Though the entire thing was really enjoyable, I have to say I very strongly agree with his idea of: Tear down the old crap and put up a mall.

Basically, someone asked what place he had visited that he hated the worst. He responded with a lot of stories, and making the point that he doesn't hate Britain, just that he'd rather be at home. He said he wasn't big on architecture, and this place is just really old. He made the joke that if a place more than 5 years old, then it's too old – tear it down and put up a mall. My take on it isn't that I mind the old stuff – It's really neat to look at. It's just that Ray and I are living in a very old house that is absolutely awful because it's so old. When you ride the train, you see all these abandoned buildings, rail stations, switching houses, and platforms. They are just left there to decay. It's as if they are unwilling to knock anything down, even if there is no plan for future use. It makes everything look old and decrepit and decaying. Just tear the crap down and build a mall or a gas station or a corner shop or something.

Anyway, that was way off my point. Kevin Smith was really cool to see.


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